Family memories - Sarah

Created by Emma 2 years ago

This is my tribute to mum which i would have read at the funeral service had i felt able to. 


There are no words.

This is what people so often say when they hear about the loss of your loved one, and it’s true – there are no words that could possibly capture everything that was our beautiful, vibrant, amazing mum but here is my attempt. 

More than anything, to me she was joy. She was full of life, an optimist who saw the best in everyone.  She had a light that she spread to anyone lucky enough to be part of her life. 

She was fun and took joy from so many things - she loved Christmas, everything about it including finding the most stupid little stocking present that would make her laugh even when the rest of us weren’t sure what the joke was  - she had a ridiculously basic sense of humour and could set herself off laughing at the smallest thing. She loved a swing as much as any child, even in her 60s. It might surprise people to know that she loved a hymn almost as much as she loved Rod Stewart and never missed songs of praise.  

Life threw many obstacles our mum’s way but she never let that dim her light and she was without a doubt the strongest person I will ever know.   I will forever be in awe of how she raised us all to be who we are despite the many challenges she faced. 

Sometimes you could say that her strength tipped into stubbornness, and you definitely knew if you had crossed my mum - she could halt you with just one look as I’m sure many people in this room and the students she taught could tell you!  But she was  fiercely loyal and kind and caring and I know there are so many people here today who will  forever be  grateful for her friendship and support. 

The  sudden loss of our full of life mum and not having a chance to say goodbye has been hard for so many of you. You should know her strength and positivity kept her going throughout the last couple of months. Having never really been sick a day in her life - or even able to sit still for more than 5 minutes - there is no doubt the sudden deterioration in her health will have been hard for her but she never let it show or phase her   – she was even convinced she would  manage any treatment she might need to have around her work , going to school in the day and having treatment in the evenings, as you do! She absolutely loved her work and gave everything to it and was so focussed on getting back to school right up until the end - I have no doubt there are more than few young people out there who will have been  positively shaped by having ‘Ms Robinson’ in their lives and she took so much pride from seeing their achievements. 

And how can I say anything about our mum without mentioning her style and glamour, it is how so many people will remember her. She didn’t follow fashion but had her own individual style – classy and totally unique, just like the amazing woman that she was. 

I could go on forever about all the things I will miss about my mum and yet still not capture the brilliance of her. She made the world a better place just by being in it. I don’t know how a light like hers can simply go out but here’s what I do know – to know our mum was to love her and if each and every person that she touched in life carries just a little piece of her magic with us then she will go on making the world a better place long from now.